Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Please Standby

I received an email today that made me smile. It was from The Story Lady and she said "I miss your blogs". Well thank you Story Lady for reading, I greatly appreciate it!

Unfortunately, reality T.V. is consuming my life. Idol, Loser, Lost. You know, the usual. You know the problem with reality T.V.? It' doesn't go on hiatus. It's like 24-7/365. I do have one question though, when exactly did Jillian Michaels personal trainer become Dr. Michaels, psychiatrist?Very confusing.

Also, can you believe that Ricky Martin is gay? As if. I am completely shocked. There was no possible way to see that one coming.

 Nope, not at all.

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  1. Okay, I read this right after you posted it (from my phone) but my "smart" phone wouldn't let me leave a comment. And I left your blog and went straight (maybe a pun intended. not sure yet) to google and typed in: Is Ricky Martin gay?

    Sure enough! My husband walked through the door and I said, "Ricky Martin is gay." And he said, "Yeah, I know."
    I said, "But he just came out, like, today."
    And he said, "I've known for years."

  2. I think there was a glimmer of hope that a man could be THAT put together and be straight. At least that's my thinking!
