Thursday, May 31, 2007

10 Giant Steps to a Simpler Life

10 Giant Steps to a Simpler Life

-Get the book, Your Money or Your Life. Read it, and you have made the best possible start on your way to a simpler, more satisfying life.
-Make this old New England proverb your motto: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." As a wartime slogan, it helped Americans win World War II.

-Try consuming or using half as much of as many things as you can. Start with shampoo, detergent and toothpaste, then get creative and see how many others you can come up with. Half as much is sometimes twice as good (eating, for example), and always twice as thrifty.

-Things you never need to buy again: freezer bags (use the plastic bags inside cereal boxes), things you can get for free or free alternatives, such as matches, paper towels, calendars, note paper, drawing paper for the kids, padded envelopes, bottled water...think of others, and put them on your list of "never-buy-agains."

-Sell your TV and use the time you free up (49 hours a week for the average American!) for frugal endeavors.

-Move somewhere with a lower cost of living. The highest and lowest-cost areas vary by 95%, but salaries for most jobs rarely fluctuate more than 25%. Example: moving from Los Angeles to Atlanta would result in a 50% drop in the cost of living with about 13% drop in earnings.

-Barter for goods and services. See if there is an organized system for this in your area.

-If you haven't already got them, consider not having your own children. Not reproducing is the best way to dramatically reduce your consumption, expenses and personal impact on the planet's resources.

-Complete all nine steps from Your Money or Your Life. Do them all, in order, and you will almost certainly be guaranteed success in adopting a simpler—and more fulfilling--lifestyle.

-Share your resources and results with people you care about, and multiply the good effects on the planet that will come from your new way of living.

Next blog I will ask you to become a full feldged member of my cult. Boo ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Girls in the Toilet

An account of bathroom behavior at my place of employment:

1. Girl talking on cell phone in handicapped stall, shushing person on the the other end of the line whispering "hold on, someone just walked in."

2. Girl setting out on the counter one paper towel, one container dental floss, one travel size toothpaste, one toothbrush and a breath mint. Not sugar free.

3. Girl coming out of bathroom stall pants not pulled all the way up

4. Girl waiting until someone washes their hands before she pees

5. Girl washing hands, wiping down counter, using towel to open door

6. Girl farting and then clearing her throat as if to cover it up

7. Notice on bathroom mirror: If you mess up the toilet seat, please have the courtesy to clean it.

8. There are five stalls in the bathroom. I am using the second one. There is no one else is the room. The next person that comes in, uses the stall directly next to mine.

9. Girl with shirt off, washing said shirt in the sink

10. Girl coming out of bathroom with two rolls of toilet paper.

Odd behavior indeed.

Do guys ever see these things

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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Take Your Private and Shove It Up Your Arse!

No, I am not Scottish, for some reason I thought I may offend by putting the word "Ass" in my subject line. But we're in the blog now baby, so fuck all that nicey, nicey crap.

Listen, I blog tonight for one reason and one reason only. To tell you how frickin' tired I am of the whole "Private Profile" thing. For the love of (insert random celebrity name here) just let me see your darn profile without having to be your friend. DON'T YOU KNOW I AM TRYING TO STALK YOU? Or at least steal all your really good one liner's and poetry.

Be open, be free, allow the world into your happy, little place.

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