Monday, May 29, 2006


In my family we have what it known as The Pooka. The Pooka is the someone or something that is responsible for the missing sock from your laundry, the car keys you can't find and the ominous glare of a roll of cardboard staring at you where once was toilet paper a moment ago. Scratch that last one, that's my husband's doing. What I am essentially getting at here, is that The Pooka seems to have taken a particular interest in me lately.

First, you should know that I am addicted to lip-gloss. All kinds, all flavors. I have Lip Smackers, Chapsticks, Blistexs, in flavors you probably you didn't even know existed. I am also constantly applying said items, so much so that people will ask to borrow my "lipstuff" without even asking if I have any first. It is an automatic that I will have some and can probably offer up six options. Knowing that, I will move on to my dilemma with The Pooka.

I did a round up of lipstuff today from my car, my purses, from my munchkins toy box and it seems that I am missing the lid/cap to 3 out of 4. This is quite aggravating as it is very un-hygienic to have lipstuff exposed to the elements. Little bits of everything stuck to my glorious shiny stuff. I will not toss it though. I have carefully cleaned all open containers and put them in individual baggies. I am a fiend.

What I would like to know is this. WHY is The Pooks stealing my caps/lids? WHAT are they being used for? Why not take the whole damn thing? Evil, sinister Pooka. Oh, the horror, oh the torture. Pooka is rubbing its hands together and cackling. One day all those caps/lids will show up at once covering the planet blocking out sunlight killing all living things. My addiction will be the demise of the human race.

Of course, it could just be my daughter taking them and hiding them. I guess we'll never know.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

Holy Cow, when did I get so old? You know you are starting to get old and nostalgic when you begin planning birthday parties that revolve around things you did as a kid. This year it is roller skating. I have fond memories of skating to Madonna's "Crazy for You" with my adolecesnt crush of the moment. Sigh, good times.

Ok, so this is my first "Blog". What the heck is the dealio with these things? It's like legal crack. People are addicted. Apparently, we all have something to say and feel that there is nothing like a public forum to rant, rave and otherwise complain about whatever topic is pressing. I think I will dedicate my first blog to...drum roll please.......greeting cards.

Since it is my birthday, I have received birthday cards from Mom, Grandma, Mom-in-law, Husband etc.etc. My two year old even gave me a birthday card this morning, which was really cute except for her signature looked an awful lot like my husbands handwriting. I was thinking this morning that if I had a dollar for every birthday, Valentine's Easter, Christmas card I got, I would have a lot of money. I receive about 60-100 cards a year. I have decided from this moment on, I am going to send a piece of notebook paper with $2.50 and a short greeting. Like....Oh...."Happy Birthday" or let's go out on a limb here and say "Merry Christmas". Why do we need Hallmark to compose sweet bits of prose, when we really don't mean what THEY say the first place.

Let's contribute to people's pocketbooks instead of their emotional well being. Send cash not cards!

Have a great day!

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