Monday, July 12, 2010
So Sweet
I am greatly appreciative of the sweetness and the love, I mean, really, really appreciative, but I also have to wonder, what is it exactly they want, those little consiprators?
Is this what happens to cynics? I can't even take a simple gift at face value? I need therapy.
Love you Family!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I Love Sleep More
My husband and I sleep in separate rooms. Except for the fact that it feels like we are more roommates with benefits than a married couple, it's not so bad. It hasn't always been this way, but he snored so badly that it was an inevitable progression to migrate to separate sleeping quarters lest I continue on in a zombie like status eventually craving brains and/or actually killing him while he slept. Later, we found out he had sleep apnea, he got one of those fancy breathing boxes which curbs the snoring but makes him sound like Darth Vader, I don't know which is worse really. By this time we were so used to sleeping apart we didn't really even think about moving back in together. Our daughter also has a habit of getting up in the middle of the night and migrating to one or the other's room and neither one of us have a bed big enough for three, so, we just kept the pre-box arrangement. Once in a while, we try to hang out together in bed, but it usually ends badly with one or the other kicking someone in their sleep, someone having to put the offspring back in her own bed, someone's too hot, someone's too cold, who stole the covers, stop suffocating me for cryin' out loud. If most normal people spend their nights like this it's no wonder we are a world constantly in a bad mood.
Last night, I decided to grace my husband with my presence because, a) offspring was spending the night somewhere else and b)it was really hot and husband has an in room a/c. I figured I could forgive random kicks, occasional snorts and odd husband sounds for a night between icy cold sheets mid-summer. I was ready and willing to go the long haul, actually sleeping in the same bed as my husband for an entire night. I was drifting to sleep, quite content when I heard a meek, "meow." I ignored it. A little more insistent "Meowwwww." Came from under the closed door I really tried to ignore it. That was when the cat yelled at full volume "MEEEOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" I got up and let the needy monster in. She jumped on me. Purred in my ear, jumped on my husband's back, he threw her off, she jumped on me again, meowed some more, kneaded her little paws into my belly fat, walked up and laid on my chest, purred loudly, walked around my body some more, finally settled on my head. At last she was fulfilled and I could get some sleep. Three hours later, someone opened the door and the cat followed that someone to wherever they were going. The cat did not follow someone back into the bedroom. Someone fell asleep and did not hear the insistent meowing that continued on for about 15 minutes straight. I got up to let the dang cat in and she ran down the hallway toward my room, looking back as if to say, "You comin'?"
So apparently, I am not meant to share a bed with my husband. Even the cat thinks so. So we will continue our unusual married couple ritual of separate quarters as odd as it may seem to other people. Sometimes I wonder about the psyche of my poor daughter who has never known her parents to sleep with one another. Will she go on to marry and think her new husband is crazy for wanting to share a bed? For us though it works, especially those midnight rendezvous in a strange bedroom.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Overheard Today
Well crap, this explains my readership.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Love List
1. Are Intelligent
2. Are Humorous
3. Are Sarcastic
4. Are Faithful. As in, I am the be all end all of women for him. Period, end of story.
5. Are Chivalrous
6. Are Adventurous
7. Are Decisive
8. Are a Provider, as in, you are the man and I am not opposed to traditional gender roles.
9. Can Cook a good meal once in a while
10. Are Handy
11. Are A Self starter
12. Are Witty
13. Love Movies
14. Love Books
15. Love Music
16. Like to talk about movies/books/music
17. Are Motivated
18. Are Not afraid to profess your adoration for me and child(ren), in public
19. Smell nice
20. Take pride in looking presentable.
21. Like to look good/smell nice for me especially
22. Are Loyal
23. Are Understanding
24. Are Opinionated
25. Are Passionate on all accounts. (Life, love, politics, etc….)
26. Are Willing to “talk it out”
27. Understand that just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t make it right.
28. Are Not a Procrastinator
29. Have a plan
30. Are Supportive
31. Re Inventive
32. “Get” me
33. Debate with me
34. Tell me when I am just wrong
35. Do things for me, like the dishes and the laundry, and the cat box, because I hate cleaning the cat box.
36. Can shake your booty
37. Are not afraid to shake booty in public
38. Know that I have a problem with PDA but that I like DA’s at home!
39. Agree with me on the main issues of what’s wrong with people today and support my want to change the world!
40. Understands that I will eventually finish one of the thousand sewing projects I have started before our children leave home to start their own family. Also understand that the outfits I made for our children will eventually be able to fit grandchildren, thus, there really is no deadline for finishing said sewing items.
41. Appreciate me
42. Plan dates for us. Fun, exciting, interesting dates. Not dinner and a move.
43. Get excited for seemingly simple things
44. Look at me as your friend and lover and not just the mother of your child(ren) or housekeeper
45. Enjoy simple pleasures
46. Do not have to keep up with the Jones’
47. Are able to budget and manage money
48. Have a job that does not require long periods of time away from family
49. Make me feel beautiful
50. Make me love you more everyday
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Blog Pimping
I am very much over the blog community and their give-a-ways. I did not subscribe to your blog so that can try to sell me on someone else's blog via their crafty nature and/or superior design awesomeness. What exactly are YOU getting out of this relationship? Free stuff? A chance to increase your readership? I don't want free crap. I certainly don't want to have to visit six blogs and leave six different comments all the hope of winning a Silhouette cutting machine. I want to connect with like minded people who will in turn introduce me to like minded people. Right now, like minded people include those who are blatantly disgusted by advertisers in general pumping our heads with what's hot and new and what we can't live without.
If you make stuff, and you want to sell it, and you want to use your blog as a platform to do so. AWESOME! I like to see people create and I like to see people prosper from their creations. There is an authenticity to someone who tells the story behind their creations. However, blog land is not PR land, stop trying to turn it into the capitalist machine you greedy, sidebar ad selling, Mr. Linky blogging people.
You know what I do appreciate? People who share with the community. Not because they want to increase their readership or make some money, but because they genuinely want to share how to make and create. I give mad Kudos to those people. I like to feel like a community, not like a potential customer.
What was that I was saying about being bitter and cynical earlier? Oh, nevermind.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Just Do It My Way, Everything Will Be Fine
I am six years into this motherhood thing. Still trying to work out exactly what it’s all about. What exactly is my role as “Mom”? Sure, I understand, love, protect, teach. I am raising a future citizen of humanity after all. Becoming part of the Mom Club initiated me into something that I had no idea existed pre-conception. The Alpha Woman Society. The A-list mom. Superwoman. Women who work full time, climbing the corporate ladder but still have time to make cupcakes for PTA events. Women whose children and home are always perfectly accessorized and neat. Women who set up play dates at Starbucks to discuss how they know the secret to having the smartest, most psychologically well adjusted kid who will grow up to be the richest most successful whatever they want to be. Of course, working moms aren’t the only piece of the puzzle. Let us please not forget the women who stay at home with their children. They are also just super, aren’t they. Looking down their noses at the working women, tsk tsking at how sad it is for those poor kids who must be shipped off to daycare everyday while mommy brings home the bacon. How awful for those children who do not have the opportunity to participate in all the enriching activities that are only available between the hours of 8 and 5, M-F. How neglected and sad. These poor children who will grow up into damaged adults unable to fully trust and love due to the neglectful behavior of their selfish mothers.
You know what I think? Lucky for you, I am going to spend this week telling you. Aren’t you so excited?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
About Me
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Life's a Female Dog in Heat, and Then You Wonder Is it Ever Going to End Already?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
No Fumar
1. Smoking
2. Caffeine
3. Food
4. T.V.
5. Facebook
6. Nail biting
I mean really, all that’s missing are pornography, alcohol and drugs. I had no idea I was on such a downward spiral. I need an intervention. Actually, an intervention was probably what God had in mind when he sent the Mormon missionaries to my house. One day I will have to tell you a story. Not today though, today is about dealing with my horrible secrets.
Smoking has to be dealt with first. Head on, cold turkey. I don’t even know why I smoke. It’s not something I particularly enjoy, what with the smell, the cost, and oh yeah, the DEATH. You would think a shortened life span would be good enough deterrent to avoid just about anything, but sadly, I scoff in the face of death one puff at a time.
I like to think of myself as a “clean” smoker. Never in the house or the car. Only outside and never around other people. Unless they are smoking too. I avoid doing it in the direct path of an entry door, because I am considerate too. Oh yes, I give myself mad props for being such an awesome smoker. I bet you wish all smokers were as awesome as me. Oh wait, you probably wish people would just stop smoking all together. Understandable, I am totally in agreement with you. This does not change the fact that I have a particularly hard time letting the habit go. That’s why it’s called an addiction people!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Those Who Inspire and Don't Even Know It!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Simple Kind of Life
First, I happen to be very loud and opinionated. I never take anything at face value. There is always an ulterior motive and I will make a point to try to figure out what it is. A loud, opinionated housewife. Who ever heard of such a thing? Also, I get angry at a lot of things. Society, government, my neighbor, the person in the minivan who did not yield at the sign clearly stated “YIELD”. I would like to be indifferent to the plight of the world, but I feel it is my duty as a human being to make the world a better place. This mostly revolves around people doing things my way or at the very least listening to me lay out the pros and cons of why my way is the right way and theirs is wrong.
Second, I have very little patience. I like to have an agenda, meet that agenda and move on the the next item of business. Please stop dilly-dallying on my time thank-you-very-much. Very little patience and children just don't seem to go hand-in-hand.
Third, I really don’t like to fold the whites. Socks are my nemeses. By the way, I don't like the word “nemeses”don’t you think the plural of nemesis should be nemesi?
So, while I like the idea of a simple life, the truth is, life by its very nature is complicated.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Please Standby
Unfortunately, reality T.V. is consuming my life. Idol, Loser, Lost. You know, the usual. You know the problem with reality T.V.? It' doesn't go on hiatus. It's like 24-7/365. I do have one question though, when exactly did Jillian Michaels personal trainer become Dr. Michaels, psychiatrist?Very confusing.
Also, can you believe that Ricky Martin is gay? As if. I am completely shocked. There was no possible way to see that one coming.
Nope, not at all.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Next Thirty Years
Thursday, February 4, 2010
This is Retarded
Sunday, January 24, 2010
It's Monday, Again.
Where was I? Oh yes, home gym. It doubles as our family room. But it has a very large T.V. and a great sound system which I am sure will be so motivating at 6:30 in the morning. I bet you have a home gym too. Aren't we all so fanatically lucky?
If possible, could you please remind me tomorrow that yes, those pants do make my butt look big, so I will be motivated once again to answer the 6:30am wake up call on Tuesday.
Thanks, you're awfully sweet!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Open Letter Series
I realize that as drivers, we must share the road. Since it's just not practical to request my very own driving lane, I would like to suggest a few rules that perhaps we could try to follow on a daily basis.
I use my vehicle as a mode of transportation to get from one location to another quickly. If I were concerned about seeing the world around me or stopping to smell the roses, I would walk. May I suggest you do the same if your intentions are to drive below the posted speed limit.
Know your destination and how to get there before you start driving. If you miss your turn or exit, do not slam on your brakes and put your car in reverse. This usually leads to unsavory happenings. Simply keep moving until you find a suitable location to rectify your mistake.
Use your blinker, please. My psychic powers have been on the fritz since, oh, about birth, so I am sure I had no idea you intended to turn left while I went straight.
Speaking of right of way, a four way stop works on the "to the right" basis. I didn't make the rules, that's just how it is.
When the light turns green, that means go. When the light turns red, that means stop. I only mention this because I have seen you do the opposite. I once honked at you, when you were stopped at a green light, to which you yelled back at me, "What? It will be red eventually".
I think that by following these simple rules, we can improve our driving expierience greatly and prevent me from following you to your destination and running your ass over.