Monday, June 28, 2010

The Love List

50 Reasons Why I Love You : A Love List (Hypothetically)


1. Are Intelligent

2. Are Humorous

3. Are Sarcastic

4. Are Faithful. As in, I am the be all end all of women for him. Period, end of story.

5. Are Chivalrous

6. Are Adventurous

7. Are Decisive

8. Are a Provider, as in, you are the man and I am not opposed to traditional gender roles.

9. Can Cook a good meal once in a while

10. Are Handy

11. Are A Self starter

12. Are Witty

13. Love Movies

14. Love Books

15. Love Music

16. Like to talk about movies/books/music

17. Are Motivated

18. Are Not afraid to profess your adoration for me and child(ren), in public

19. Smell nice

20. Take pride in looking presentable.

21. Like to look good/smell nice for me especially

22. Are Loyal

23. Are Understanding

24. Are Opinionated

25. Are Passionate on all accounts. (Life, love, politics, etc….)

26. Are Willing to “talk it out”

27. Understand that just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t make it right.

28. Are Not a Procrastinator

29. Have a plan

30. Are Supportive

31. Re Inventive

32. “Get” me

33. Debate with me

34. Tell me when I am just wrong

35. Do things for me, like the dishes and the laundry, and the cat box, because I hate cleaning the cat box.

36. Can shake your booty

37. Are not afraid to shake booty in public

38. Know that I have a problem with PDA but that I like DA’s at home!

39. Agree with me on the main issues of what’s wrong with people today and support my want to change the world!

40. Understands that I will eventually finish one of the thousand sewing projects I have started before our children leave home to start their own family. Also understand that the outfits I made for our children will eventually be able to fit grandchildren, thus, there really is no deadline for finishing said sewing items.

41. Appreciate me

42. Plan dates for us. Fun, exciting, interesting dates. Not dinner and a move.

43. Get excited for seemingly simple things

44. Look at me as your friend and lover and not just the mother of your child(ren) or housekeeper

45. Enjoy simple pleasures

46. Do not have to keep up with the Jones’

47. Are able to budget and manage money

48. Have a job that does not require long periods of time away from family

49. Make me feel beautiful

50. Make me love you more everyday

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