Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Heart Nick Cage

I like Nick Cage. My husband does not. I mean, he really DOES NOT! I would like to see Knowing. Husband, not so much.

Did you know that there are various Nick Cage movies running on HBO and Starz right now? Did you know I deliberatly search for these movies while my husband is sitting next to me? It's so annoying. To him, not me.

We have seen "Next" and "Ghost Rider" about 10 times in the last week.
Have you seen "Vampire's Kiss"? You really should.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Quote for Life

Do you ever reflect on your life and think, "What the fuck happened?"
I don't ever do that. I was just wondering if you did.

Because, sometimes, I think, if I were to reflect on my life, what would my quote be?
Perhaps, "How the fuck did I get here?" or "Why the fuck did I settle for that?" or maybe it would just be "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

Maybe you could come up with something a little more quote worthy and a little less "colorful".

I would like to mention that I don't use that f-word in my real life. Just here on my blog. That's the truth.

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