I am in the process of looking for a legitimate job. What does this mean to you? Nothing. What does this mean to the masses? Private profile baby.
Prospective employers are frequently searching Google, Myspace, YouTube, the Net in general for provocative information on their future employees. I find this incredibly amoral.
My personal life and opinions have very little to do with the mad skills I possess or my stellar work ethic and I will not be judged so.
This subject matter brings up a topic worthy of blogging and debate. Does one's personal life affect their ability to serve as a good employee? Does the fact that I perhaps harbor ill will regarding my government, spouse or child at any given time alter my employability?
Does the religious denomination of a potential presidential candidate have any bearing on his ability to be the leader of the free nation? If said candidate is married with children will that make them a better leader. What if they have had numerous extramarital affairs? Is that grounds for immediate disqualification?
Anyway, wish me luck in the job hunt. Or, if you would like to save me from all the pain and anguish I can arrange for a monthly deduction from your checking/savings account in the amount of $20, or you could send cash/money order. I also accept Paypal. That would be great.